Treasure 30 – Learning, conflict, entrepreneurship

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Nugget #1 this week comes from Inga Hoeltmann. She shares two insights from a learning journey. The first one is the desire to look into economic changes and other companies. Unfortunately many employees are heads down in their daily business and don’t take much time for learning (except some training from the standard course catalog). The second insight is much more delicate. In order to learn you need to go outside your company walls and share. This struck a chord! Future success will be based on co-creation and collaboration.
Wie Organisationen in Zukunft lernen werden (4 mins, text, German)

Nugget #2 is a quickie. I recently re-discovered James Lawther’s blog about service improvement. He wrote an crisp article about corporate conflict. I think we all witnessed what he observes. James also delivers the rootcause and some suggestions how to solve it. Many of you are setting goals right now. Are you all working towards the same objective? If not, your competitor will thank you 😉
Corporate Conflict (2 mins, text, English)

Nugget #3 is for all of you who want to read more in 2018 or need inspiration for their reading lists. Jurgen Appello published the top 150 books on entrepreneurship. Plenty of items for my creative backlog. I recently started Chaos Monkeys, which was recommended to me by our VP. By the way, in case you read this: Thanks for the discussion on innovation!
Top 150 Books for Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs (6 mins, text, English)

So this week you can choose between a quick read for the busy pirate as well as hours of reading in case weather isn’t good enough to go out. If Inga’s article struck a chord for you too, I recommend my article about the purple space. You’ll need it to master the art of collaboration.

Enjoy your weekend and please share if you like it!