
Schatzkiste 35 – Arbeit, Innovation, Was waere wenn?

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Nugget #1 habe ich meinem Bloggerkollegen Gregor Ilg zu verdanken. Er hat nämlich den fantastischen Artikel von Jennifer Bortchen geteilt. Sie schreibt mir aus der Seele, wenn sie über die Trennung von Arbeit und Freizeit redet: „Also kann ich auch nicht verhindern, dass mir eine Idee unter der Dusche einfällt.“ Das ist genau meine Rede! Richtig cool sind aber die Vorschläge wie man die Zeit anders verteilen kann. Schließlich sorgen Maschinen und… Weiterlesen »Schatzkiste 35 – Arbeit, Innovation, Was waere wenn?

Treasure 22 – Remote work and next economy

Nugget #1 is on remote working and collaboration. It is a TED talk by Nicholas Bloom. I like his assessment, that remote working can have a similar impact as autonomous cars. It fits quite nicely with the benefits I’ve described in What has remote working to do with ski touring?. Nicholas and his team also measured performance going up by remote work. Performance measurement is tricky to do, so not sure… Weiterlesen »Treasure 22 – Remote work and next economy


My summary from #dreiCday

You might have missed my Monday „compass“ yesterday. Jetlag killed me on Sunday night, so this week I publish on Tuesday. I hope it was worth the wait. You’ll get a summary of the „CREATIVE COLLABORATION CULTURE DAY“ at Karlshochschule Karlsruhe, a non-profit conference organized by Christoph Thomas. The conference was a mix of presentations and open space. Digital Workplace unboxed Michael Koehr from Comunardo started the day with a… Weiterlesen »My summary from #dreiCday

Treasure 11 – Education, Agile, People management

My favorite nugget this week comes from Dr. Christoph Schmitt. He wrote an epic post about the future of education. Schmitt formulates 9 theses how kids and students will learn in the digital future. Looking at the comments there’s a big opposition and only a few supporters. I can’t wait to see this future happen! Bildung in der digitalen Zukunft: Jetzt wird’s ganz konkret! (5 mins, text, German) Nugget #2 comes from Tom… Weiterlesen »Treasure 11 – Education, Agile, People management