
Treasure 105 – Future, Selfcheck, Worktime

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What is Design Fiction? How can I do a personal selfcheck? Does the equation working time against money still make sense? This treasure chest is about the future of work.

Treasure 78 – Digital leader, OKR, Pay

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Have you ever wondered what makes a digital leader? Harald Schirmer, who I’ve been following on Twitter for a long time and who was already in one of my first treasures, explains it in Nugget #1. You only have to split the term into its two parts. A good leader has nothing to do with digital at first, but must be able to deal with people. Today you often need… Read More »Treasure 78 – Digital leader, OKR, Pay

Treasure 49 – Remote teams, Lean Startup, #NewPay

Who doesn’t know them? Department meetings, townhalls or all-hands are meetings that take place at longer intervals (e.g. quarterly) to give an update to an entire department or even a company. In Nugget #1 the people of give a summary of what they have learned. My company also has remote department meetings, as we have several locations worldwide. This works quite well thanks to the video of the speakers… Read More »Treasure 49 – Remote teams, Lean Startup, #NewPay

Treasure 48 – Career, Homeoffice, NewPay

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Nugget #1 may seem a little unusual at first glance. On Monday evening, when I go to my weekly basketball training, I listen to the show Mensch Otto. Thorsten Otto interviews extraordinary people within an hour. This week Ali Mahlodji was his guest. I follow Ali on Twitter for a while and his portal Watchado was already topic of an earlier post. In the interview Ali tells how he came… Read More »Treasure 48 – Career, Homeoffice, NewPay