

Feedback – the oil for your remote engine

Now that you have defined your purple space, the heartbeat is stabilizing, you have communication channels in place and you are aware of „secret rules“, the remote engine is running. In order to perform well and run flawless, it regularly needs some oil – Feedback. As you learned last week, a remote team most often consists of different cultures and each individual has a different way to get work done.… Weiterlesen »Feedback – the oil for your remote engine

Foreigner | CC0

Secret rules – What’s below the tip of the iceberg?

Welcome back! Have you improved media richness in your team communication or used a new way of digital communication? This week I’ll talk about culture in remote teams. Let me start with a little picture quiz. What does the featured image tell you? Drinking a beer together remotely is difficult? Remote teams should also meet face-to-face from time to time and have fun together? Both are true, but the point… Weiterlesen »Secret rules – What’s below the tip of the iceberg?

Do I see you at #dreiCday?

Hi readers, here’s a super quick post on an event I would like to share with you: Christoph Thomas who organizes the event had a quick interview with me (in German), where you can learn more about my motivation to join: Aktivieren Sie JavaScript um das Video zu sehen.Video-Link: Do I see you at #dreiCday?