Nugget #1 this week comes from Their mission is: “Make the workforce more productive by letting people do the work they love most.” produced a short film that features interviews with four freelancers in NewYork. They started to live the life they really want and are successful with it. I found this quite inspiring. If you want to learn more about the four creatives, also have a look at the written interviews. (7 mins, video, English)
By the way, if you are interested in AND.CO’s service, check out this review from Lewis Parrott.
If you want to do the work you love most, but don’t know where to start, Nugget #2 might be the right thing for you. It is a book called Business Model You. It applies the lean startup concept and the business model canvas to your personal career. I use this to find my personal value proposition, the right key activities and “customers”. By the way, this blog is one of my channels. This little video gives you a first introduction how to create your personal business model (10 mins, video, English)
Nugget #3 comes from Mark Poppenborg from In my opinion the best article he wrote this year. It is about survival of the next crisis (unfortunately only in German). After looking at how nature prepares for survival, he shares five tips how to prepare your business for the next crisis. Tip #3 is quite controversial. Mark suggests fixed-term work contracts to reduce long-term liabilities. In the comments readers share perspectives, why this might be a bad idea. But I see the big opportunity in his proposal. If we make sure businesses are better prepared for crisis, we would see less enforced redundancy. In my opinion job security is a fallacy. I certainly would be interested in your opinion on this and the other tips in the article:
Überlebt Ihr die nächste Krise? (10 mins, text, German)
Enjoy your weekend!