Treasure 45 – Remote work, company culture, Innovation

This week we start with the topic remote work. Nugget #1 is a handy guide for anyone who wants to be more productive and focused when working remotely. Daniela Voss gives us 10 tips that are easy to implement. All of them are actually “common sense”, but still only a few can do it. Email twice a day works quite well for me. However, if one of my social media apps is courting my attention, I’ll be out soon. I will do something good in the future.

As Nugget #2 Firmenfunk made it back into the treasure. Leonid Lezner just produces one good episode after another. In episode 26 Hanna Drabon (intrapreneur) and Andreas Kaemmer (owner) talk about the company culture of comspace. I immediately noticed that Hanna is often in the foreground during the interview and Andreas, who is actually Hanna’s boss, just complements her. That seems to be the style at comspace at all. The employees have a lot of freedom to get involved and there is a high degree of personal responsibility. In the episode you get an insight into the topics onboarding, professional development, intrinsic motivation, leadership as well as team structures and roles. I found the Anti-Knigge, which comes in the form of “It’s okay if…”, and the “career climbing frame” particularly exciting. The episode is very entertaining and in the end you really want to look even further behind the scenes and perhaps also get to know the topics where things still get stuck occasionally.
If you want to hear more about corporate culture, you can continue with episode 23. Mark Poppenborg is a guest there and describes what corporate culture is. Of course, Niklas Luhmann and his systems theory made it into this episode.
FF026 People and Culture (41 min, audio, German)

Nugget #3 is a wonderfully entertaining article by Fabian Schünke. The five steps to prevent innovation made me laugh. Most companies are already very good at this, so there is no need for a lot of tutoring. Much more important are the sections on why innovation is important, what innovation means and how innovation is created. One point that strikes me again and again is the unclear understanding of innovation. On the one hand, doing something different or improving something is far from being an innovation. The customer must recognize a value in it. On the other hand, innovation is not only a topic for the pre-development or technology department and does not only refer to products. Fabian brings some examples of innovation in other areas such as organization and management.
By the way, the book SPRINT presented at the end of the article is added to my reading list. Develop a prototype within one week? “Some of my colleagues would say “Never ever” when it comes to solving customer problems in my industry. I will take up the challenge and report on the occasion.
It actually went quite well until we introduced innovation management! (6 min, text, German)

That’s it for this week. If you still have time on the weekend, have a look at the #SCHÖNEZUKUNFT CHALLENGE and register if you are interested. I’ll be working on my article on org charts. The research has been completed. Whether I will be able to make an article out of it by Monday, I don’t know yet.