
Treasure 118 – Remote work

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What are the basics for successful home office? How do I communicate at remote work? How do I get my remote team in rhythm? Since the topic of home office and remote work is hot these days, I dug up a few nuggets on the topic. Also here on the blog there is a large pool of nuggets and own articles. No matter if you defy Corona in the office or at home. Hopefully you are prepared for the next days and weeks.

Treasure 115 – Remote work, Meetings, Communication

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How does one work employed and independent of location? How do asynchronous meetings work? Which communication channels do you use for what? This treasure deals with the topic of people in the company and how they work together.

What has remote working to do with ski touring?

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I’ll tell you the answer later in this post. Let me ask you a different question first: Does your company implement or extend their remote work policy? Mine does and in the last weeks I got to know many others who do the same. Do you work in teams dispersed across the globe? I am part of a growing number of remote teams and globally dispersed networks. Also looking at… Read More »What has remote working to do with ski touring?