
Treasure 53 – New work, remote teams, design sprint

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Dear treasure readers, this week it’s going to be text intensive again. But I can promise that all texts will be written in an exciting way and above all that there will be great visualizations. But before I produce much additional text myself, I prefer to open the treasure quickly. Nugget 1 is a kind of travelogue. Ines Timm, Johanna Röhr and Johanna Felde are digital communication students on a… Read More »Treasure 53 – New work, remote teams, design sprint


Letter from the year 2025

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Sladjan Lazic, the career boss, asks in his current blog parade “How do you want to work in the future?” I spontaneously remembered my letter from the future, which I wrote to myself recently during the intrinsify.me email challenge. I have expanded and reformulated the letter a little. Now it describes how I see work in the future, but also my very personal vision. Letter from the year 2025 Dear… Read More »Letter from the year 2025


What if there was no competition?

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When I kicked off the blogparade What if…? I asked the question: What if there was no competition? Some may have wondered how I came to this question. When my sons first heard about the diesel scandal last year, they asked why there was competition. All the car manufacturers could simply work together to develop and sell a clean car. I explained them what a monopoly is and what disadvantages it brings.… Read More »What if there was no competition?

Treasure 33 – Organizations and Culture

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This week’s treasure is about organizations and culture. I haven’t counted the number of organizational changes I’ve gone through in the last few years. It is likely double digit. Talking to other people in corporates and medium sized companies, I hear similar stories. I believe companies struggle more and more to keep their organizations adjusted to the complexity of today’s markets. So maybe this treasure gives you some inspiration on how… Read More »Treasure 33 – Organizations and Culture