Hi there,
I recently had to re-activate my WordPress account for a guest blog I wrote at Mutbank. While doing this I stumbled across the blogging university and subscribed. So here we go with the first exercise of the university and I say hello world – again.
There are three reasons why I would like to start blogging again:
- First and foremost I’d like to have a „diary“ to jot down learnings, experiences and thoughts for myself. On the other hand I like to share knowledge with others. Because there’s always somebody who benefits in some shape or form. So why not make these learnings and thoughts public!?
- As creative person I constantly have ideas that are buzzing in my mind. Getting them on paper helps me to crystallize the idea and hopefully get some feedback from readers. Every feedback is welcome! Tell me what’s awesome and what sucks.
- Finally I’d like to comment on something that I read or found somewhere in the web. Mainly for myself. But if this starts a dialogue and gives me some alternative perspectives, more than welcome!
So what are the topics you can expect on my blog. Many topics will be around „New Work“. Since this is a Buzzword, let me explain it a bit:
- Remote work – Tools, Methods, Behaviors, Benefits, …
- Digital Leadership -Tools, Methods, Behaviors,Skills, … needed in the digital age and a world that is dominated by complexity.
- Innovation
- Agility
From time to time you might also hear about my favorite sport basketball or travel experiences.
I hope to connect many people around the world, who are inspiring me. Whether you share similar interests or come from a completely different background – I don’t care. Diversity rulez!
So let the journey begin.