Treasure #5 – #remotework, #startup, #ohnetwitter

Friday – Time for some nuggets. I always try to generate a diverse collection. Some of the nuggets might be golden for you and others trash. Would love to hear your feedback on what is valuable to you and what not.

Nugget #1 is an article about remote work. Liz Ryan hits the nail on the head, that fear of managers prevents us from doing more remote work and enjoy the benefits:

Nugget #2 is about startups. Four founders (mymuesli, Edition F, vapiano) share their lessons learned in an one hour talk. Some nice stories!

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Nugget #3 is kind of a double feature. This week #ohnetwitter was trending on Twitter. I stumbled across a post from Heiko Kuschel (protestant priest) where he declared his love for Twitter. Looking at his website I came across one his recent sermons. As a company pirate, Jack Sparrow catched my interest and the sermon really touched me. Since then I can’t stop thinking about his question: What are you looking for?

Meine Oma, Jack Sparrow und das verlorene Schaf

And since I got feedback that last week I had only two nuggets, here’s a bonus nugget. It is one of my favorite songs right now. A hymn for remote work 😉

Enjoy your weekend!

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