Treasure 10 – #nanotech, #businessromantic, #digital

In the past few weeks I read a book from Michio Kaku, which got me on the hook on nano technology. Nugget #1 is a TED talk about how nanotech will help to detect cancer in its early stages
Joshua Smith – Nanotech to catch cancer early (12mins, video, English)

Last week I shared a nugget about machines versus people. During last weekend I came across Tim Leberecht. He coined the term „business romantic“ and in his TED talk he shares 4 (maybe un-intuitive) ways to get humanity back into organizations:
4 ways to build a human company in the age of machines (12mins, video, English)

Nugget # 3 is a „rant“ from Jurgen Appelo. Jurgen was traveling to Berlin for a conference and had some „fun“ with the local taxi business. It is an entertaining read that strucks a nerve. His experience clearly shows the long way Germany has to go in digital transformation (including my favorite topic payment). So learn how to use software:
Taxi to Funkhaus (5 mins, text, English)

Have a great weekend!