Treasure 16 – Transparency, digital workplace, work

The last treasure was heavy on text, so this week the mix of nuggets is a bit more visual. And the good news for my English readers – All English.

Nugget #1 is a thought provoking TED talk by Ray Dalio. He publicizes the idea of radical transparency to accomplish an idea meritocracy (16mins, video, English):

I fully second the idea that we challenge our own opinions and also use algorithms to help us do so. Also I like the feedback culture at his company. Don’t think anybody in my company ever gave our CEO a D- rating on his meeting performance by email. I’m a little mixed on the „Dot collector“ tool though. If people are focused on giving dots, I wonder how they can really follow the conversation. Let me know your thoughts!

Nugget #2 is an article by Christian Kuhna on Gameplan A, which I featured in treasure #12. Great advice for all digital nomads and digital workplace enthusiasts. Certainly not a way of work for everybody, but I do like the possibility to adjust the place of work to your mood and business need. The article also shows some great pictures of Christian’s typical work day (6 mins, text, English).

I like blog series. As a writer it keeps your writing rhythm. As a reader you stay curious on what’s coming in the next episode. Nugget #3 is a blog series from Tom Dahlström on the history of work. It shows how work developed over the past 120 years. Interestingly enough we still use many methods and practices from the industrial age. (4 minutes each = 16 minutes total, text, English)

Enjoy this treasure. Please give me feedback what resonates with you or what topics you would like to see in upcoming posts. You can do this via comment below this post or via my various social media channels. Have a nice weekend!