August 2017

95 theses

6 theses about the next economy

In 2017 we celebrate the 500 year anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 theses., the network for happy working people, will collect 95 theses on the next economy at the upcoming Wevent. Mark Poppenborg started the effort with 12 theses. I want to support this effort and add 6 theses, which are either a twist of Mark’s theses or add a new perspective. Some of them might be provocative, some far… Weiterlesen »6 theses about the next economy

Treasure 11 – Education, Agile, People management

My favorite nugget this week comes from Dr. Christoph Schmitt. He wrote an epic post about the future of education. Schmitt formulates 9 theses how kids and students will learn in the digital future. Looking at the comments there’s a big opposition and only a few supporters. I can’t wait to see this future happen! Bildung in der digitalen Zukunft: Jetzt wird’s ganz konkret! (5 mins, text, German) Nugget #2 comes from Tom… Weiterlesen »Treasure 11 – Education, Agile, People management


Future of business – What’s your perspective?

A couple of weeks ago, !me started a challenge. It’s about pairing people with different perspectives on the future of work and business. You just had to answer five multiple-choice questions (e.g. tend to yes/tend to no) and leave some more inputs as open comment. Then people from the same region with different answers were matched and invited to meet for a dialog on September 10. If you like the idea,… Weiterlesen »Future of business – What’s your perspective?

Treasure 10 – #nanotech, #businessromantic, #digital

In the past few weeks I read a book from Michio Kaku, which got me on the hook on nano technology. Nugget #1 is a TED talk about how nanotech will help to detect cancer in its early stages Joshua Smith – Nanotech to catch cancer early (12mins, video, English) Last week I shared a nugget about machines versus people. During last weekend I came across Tim Leberecht. He coined the… Weiterlesen »Treasure 10 – #nanotech, #businessromantic, #digital