
Treasure 48 – Career, Homeoffice, NewPay

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Nugget #1 may seem a little unusual at first glance. On Monday evening, when I go to my weekly basketball training, I listen to the show Mensch Otto. Thorsten Otto interviews extraordinary people within an hour. This week Ali Mahlodji was his guest. I follow Ali on Twitter for a while and his portal Watchado was already topic of an earlier post. In the interview Ali tells how he came… Read More »Treasure 48 – Career, Homeoffice, NewPay

Treasure 46 – Agility, Learning, Republica

Nugget #1 is about agility in mechanical engineering. But I think the result is also relevant for my industry (semiconductors) and many other engineering professions. Bastian Wilkat runs the podcast “Der Flaneur” and has Benno Löffler on the mic in episode 40. The first part deals with the organization of the company into functional departments. With the statement “If the problems that are actually to be solved become interdisciplinary, then… Read More »Treasure 46 – Agility, Learning, Republica

Treasure 45 – Remote work, company culture, Innovation

This week we start with the topic remote work. Nugget #1 is a handy guide for anyone who wants to be more productive and focused when working remotely. Daniela Voss gives us 10 tips that are easy to implement. All of them are actually “common sense”, but still only a few can do it. Email twice a day works quite well for me. However, if one of my social media apps… Read More »Treasure 45 – Remote work, company culture, Innovation

Treasure 44 – Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Remote work

This week starts with the topic of education. In nugget #1 Catharina Bruns writes about entrepreneurship in schools. Developing economically responsible citizens, promoting a culture of independence and a creative mentality are three of the five reasons that I can all fully endorse. I would have wished for a subject like that. If one continues the suggestion to carry out the subject interdisciplinary, one would not even have to add… Read More »Treasure 44 – Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Remote work