

Future of business – What’s your perspective?

A couple of weeks ago, !me started a challenge. It’s about pairing people with different perspectives on the future of work and business. You just had to answer five multiple-choice questions (e.g. tend to yes/tend to no) and leave some more inputs as open comment. Then people from the same region with different answers were matched and invited to meet for a dialog on September 10. If you like the idea,… Weiterlesen »Future of business – What’s your perspective?

Treasure 10 – #nanotech, #businessromantic, #digital

In the past few weeks I read a book from Michio Kaku, which got me on the hook on nano technology. Nugget #1 is a TED talk about how nanotech will help to detect cancer in its early stages Joshua Smith – Nanotech to catch cancer early (12mins, video, English) Last week I shared a nugget about machines versus people. During last weekend I came across Tim Leberecht. He coined the… Weiterlesen »Treasure 10 – #nanotech, #businessromantic, #digital

Treasure 9 – #digital, #automation, #value

This week I drove some miles, so had time to hear some nice podcasts. My nugget #1 is a cast from Bastian Wilkat’s podcast „Der Flaneur“ (Flaneur is somebody who strolls). Episode 28 is about digital introvertness and how to become more digitally extrovert. I became more digital extrovert over the past few months and it has proven some clear benefits for me. So I can fully subscribe to this cast: e28-digitale-introvertiertheit-mit-frank-eilers (1 hour,… Weiterlesen »Treasure 9 – #digital, #automation, #value

Treasure 7 – #digitaltransformation, #drone, #audio

Nugget #1 this week is a podcast. Ingo Stoll produces #MoTcast, the official Masters of Transformation Podcast. It is all about digital transformation, from digital leadership to business. This podcast was started as German podcast, but recently also features English episodes. My favorite episode „Climbing down the rabbit hole“ features Nolan Bushnell. A great talk about education, future, learning and gaming: Nugget #2 is for the drone enthusiasts among my… Weiterlesen »Treasure 7 – #digitaltransformation, #drone, #audio