
Treasure 31 – Company rebuilding, Management

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The treasure this week is largely about company rebuilding. I guess this is what company pirates are up for!? Nugget #1 is a long read from Marc Wagner. He starts with the question, why corporates or traditional companies are loosing against startups. Other than in the past, big isn’t necessarily beautiful anymore. Focus on efficiency and bureaucratic organizations have led to a huge loss in agility. But these companies still have… Weiterlesen »Treasure 31 – Company rebuilding, Management

Treasure 15 – education, innovation, digital transformation

Nugget #1 for this week is on education. Thomas Bachem, a LinkedIn influencer, elaborates why schools should get rid of grades. I agree with him that grades measure only how well you can repeat knowledge. We need schools who teach our kids creativity and courage. A quick read that invites for further discussion: Why we should get rid of grades (2min, Text, German) Nugget #2 is an insight into the startup accelerator… Weiterlesen »Treasure 15 – education, innovation, digital transformation


Mein Fazit zum Zwiegespräch #neuewirtschaft

Ich bin zurück aus dem Urlaub und starte gleich mal mit einem Ausnahmepost. Ausnahme #1 – Er wird einen Tag später als üblich veröffentlicht. Das liegt daran, dass ich die letzten beiden Tage eine Störung an meinem Internetanschluss hatte. Ab nächste Woche gibt es die Kompass-posts wieder montags. Ausnahme #2 – Der Post ist in Deutsch verfasst. Das hat zwei Gründe. Zum Einen fand die Aktion über die ich berichte… Weiterlesen »Mein Fazit zum Zwiegespräch #neuewirtschaft

Treasure 11 – Education, Agile, People management

My favorite nugget this week comes from Dr. Christoph Schmitt. He wrote an epic post about the future of education. Schmitt formulates 9 theses how kids and students will learn in the digital future. Looking at the comments there’s a big opposition and only a few supporters. I can’t wait to see this future happen! Bildung in der digitalen Zukunft: Jetzt wird’s ganz konkret! (5 mins, text, German) Nugget #2 comes from Tom… Weiterlesen »Treasure 11 – Education, Agile, People management