
Schatzkiste 37 – Geschäftsmodell, Musterbrechen, Zukunft

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Nugget #1 ist ein wunderschoener Artikel auf Medium. John Elkington and Richard Johnson haben ihn für das Business Magazin Fast Company geschrieben. Die These die sie aufstellen, lautet: „Geschäftsmodelle verbinden Technologie mit Marktanforderungen und Kundennachfrage“. Ich beobachte sehr oft, dass Firmen viel Aufwand und Geld in disruptive Technologien und Innovation stecken, aber das Thema Geschäftsmodell völlig außer Acht lassen. Anhand eines Videos des UN Projekt Breakthrough, erarbeiten sie drei key takeaways. Erstens erfüllen… Weiterlesen »Schatzkiste 37 – Geschäftsmodell, Musterbrechen, Zukunft

Treasure 31 – Company rebuilding, Management

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The treasure this week is largely about company rebuilding. I guess this is what company pirates are up for!? Nugget #1 is a long read from Marc Wagner. He starts with the question, why corporates or traditional companies are loosing against startups. Other than in the past, big isn’t necessarily beautiful anymore. Focus on efficiency and bureaucratic organizations have led to a huge loss in agility. But these companies still have… Weiterlesen »Treasure 31 – Company rebuilding, Management

Treasure 13 – Physics of the future

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Today’s treasure only contains one nugget. But it is a heavy one and with 600+ pages a long read (several hours/days). It is a book from the famous physician Michio Kaku. The book is called Physics of the future. I read the German version „Die Physik der Zukunft“. Kaku shares his vision of our life until the end of the actual century. It is not a pure crystal ball view. Most of… Weiterlesen »Treasure 13 – Physics of the future

95 theses

6 theses about the next economy

In 2017 we celebrate the 500 year anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 theses. Intrinsify.me, the network for happy working people, will collect 95 theses on the next economy at the upcoming Wevent. Mark Poppenborg started the effort with 12 theses. I want to support this effort and add 6 theses, which are either a twist of Mark’s theses or add a new perspective. Some of them might be provocative, some far… Weiterlesen »6 theses about the next economy