Treasure 7 – #digitaltransformation, #drone, #audio

Nugget #1 this week is a podcast. Ingo Stoll produces #MoTcast, the official Masters of Transformation Podcast. It is all about digital transformation, from digital leadership to business. This podcast was started as German podcast, but recently also features English episodes. My favorite episode „Climbing down the rabbit hole“ features Nolan Bushnell. A great talk about education, future, learning and gaming: Nugget #2 is for the drone enthusiasts among my… Weiterlesen »Treasure 7 – #digitaltransformation, #drone, #audio

Foreigner | CC0

Secret rules – What’s below the tip of the iceberg?

Welcome back! Have you improved media richness in your team communication or used a new way of digital communication? This week I’ll talk about culture in remote teams. Let me start with a little picture quiz. What does the featured image tell you? Drinking a beer together remotely is difficult? Remote teams should also meet face-to-face from time to time and have fun together? Both are true, but the point… Weiterlesen »Secret rules – What’s below the tip of the iceberg?

Treasure #6 – #flow, #teamwork, #rebels

Treasuretime! Nugget #1 is a great talk by Henrik Kniberg about one of my favorite topics: flow. His presentation style and LEGO simulation of flow and cost of delay is awesome. Watch yourself (44 mins): Aktivieren Sie JavaScript um das Video zu sehen.Video-Link: Nugget #2 is about teamwork. Planet Wissen, a German TV documentation shows an experiment with a team of strangers in an escape room, a team of… Weiterlesen »Treasure #6 – #flow, #teamwork, #rebels

Mensch | CC0

Digital communication – staff of life

Have you seen the first heartbeats of your remote team?  This week I’ll talk about the „staff of life“ for your remote team: communication. In the remote world we need to leverage digital media to make it as close as possible to a co-located team. This post can’t give you a comprehensive list of communication tools. I’ll share some experiences with tools I use. Like with food you need to figure out what… Weiterlesen »Digital communication – staff of life