
Schatzkiste 106 – VUCA, Transformation, Community

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Welche Kompetenzen brauchst Du in der VUCA Welt? Wie begibst Du dich auf die Reise ins Unbekannte? Wie baust Du eine Community auf? Die Schatzkiste 106 ist wie ein kleiner Marco Polo Reiseführer in die unsichere und komplexe Welt.

Treasure 19 – Community, Behavior, Digital transformation

Nugget #1 is from Steffi Tönjes. She shares ten great tips how to engage with your community. I like the analogy of a relationship and the featured image. A lot of the ideas can not only be applied to social media but also to offline communities: Hilfe, meine Community redet nicht (mehr) mit mir! (10 mins, text. German) Nugget #2 is an article from Tony Robinson on medium. Since I couldn’t find him on… Weiterlesen »Treasure 19 – Community, Behavior, Digital transformation

Treasure 17 – Remote work, team work

Welcome back pirates and pirate fans. I’m still suffering from a sore throat, so writing is the perfect activity to recover. This treasure is focusing on team work – non-remote and remote. These three nuggets from my treasure hunt fit very well together. I hope you forgive me for a text-only treasure 🙂 Nugget #1 is an answer to all skeptics of remote work. If the benefits I listed in What has… Weiterlesen »Treasure 17 – Remote work, team work

Treasure 14 – Innovation, community, happiness

My favorite nugget this week is from Alex Osterwalder. His article illustrates how corporates kill innovation and what to do about it. Innovation is on my heart right now, and the article is a great inspiration to further improve innovation in my company: 11 Corporate Habits That Kill Your Company’s Innovation Engine (5 mins, text, English) Nugget #2 is a quick read provided by Lisette Sutherland, who I featured already earlier.… Weiterlesen »Treasure 14 – Innovation, community, happiness